church of saint lawrence in klatovy

23. 4. - 19. 6. 2016

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Eliška Jakubíčková, Job

Through her paintings, Eliška Jakubíčková interprets reality through a prism of existential sensibility, capturing its tiredness, shaping its boundlessness, giving form and mass to feelings that we usually do not associate with these concepts (fear, pain, joy, closeness…), and offering a chance to almost physically taste their weight or their lightness. Jakubíčková is has mastered a calligraphic expressivity that she convincingly applies even on large-format canvases. Her gestural compositions are based on previously considered and experienced meaning, and so her style is far removed from the emptiness of mere painting. For the Church of St. Lawrence in Klatovy, she has put together a series of monumental expressive paintings, some of them on the theme of the Biblical figure of Job.

Exhibition curator: Lucie Šiklová