Klenová Grannary
3.4. – 8. 5. 2011
Our traditional exhibition of artworks by pupils of after-school arts programs in the Pilsen Region opens Saturday, 2 April 2011 in the Klenová Granary. As in previous years, the granary will be filled with children’s artworks, all the way from the entryway up to the building’s highest levels. The Cesta 2011 exhibition offers an interesting and original look at the children’s artistic interpretation of their surroundings. The best works will be selected by a jury of experts and by the exhibition visitors themselves. At an awards ceremony held in Klenová on May 14, the winners will receive the Vilma Vrbová-Kotrbová Gold, Silver, and Bronze Palettes, named after the famous painter and last owner of Klenová Castle and Chateau.The winning work will remain in the gallery’s possession and will be put on permanent display in the corridor of Klenová Chateau.